
carbon footprints of me

…dandelion seeds in mid-flight, butterfly hugs, ghostly kisses, beautiful vulnerability 5 am in Tokyo

i’ve been thinking about tastes and what it means when we share something we think is special with someone. music, movies, quotes, social media posts, books, videos, radio shows, food, recipes, and so much more—all tiny little love letters that have touched our soul

i think i’ve become quite protective of the things i love. i don’t like sharing them easily, why should someone experience something so close to my heart if i don’t know if they can value it. it’s definitely a struggle i face in my personal life and online and especially as a writer

on one hand, hiding away gems in treasure boxes does no one any good. on the other hand, we risk giving too much away, handing over a book with the titles of our names

i think i’m working on finding the right balance, sprinkling carbon footprints of my mind in various nooks and crannies of the world, versions of me sometimes even i don’t recognize, a glimpse of a few lines of the pages and pages of the lives i’ve lived, premature undeveloped thoughts exploring the expansive soul briefly resting in this body…

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